For Mother's Day cards this year, I didn't give my students very specific directions. I just opened up the construction paper drawer and made sure they spelled the word mother correctly. Oh, and if anyone wrote 'Your wonderful' I made them squeeze in the apostrophe and e, since that is my least favorite spelling error.
Mateo came up and asked if he could use some of the extra craft supplies in the back of the room. I was busy with a million other things, so I vaguely remember saying 'sure' and wondered what he was up to. This is what he created:
And then on the inside he wrote. . .
A few days later, I was laminating some student work and feeling pretty overwhelmed by the long list of things I needed to do before heading home. The papers I was sending through were just some cursive pages for my kids to color and keep as a reference for when they're practicing cursive- an art that I refuse to let die. It's actually a paper that I got in 3rd grade and you can see my signature in the lower left corner. =)
I happened to look down at Ashlynn's, and I noticed that she'd written a couple of notes on hers:

Laura--This post brought tears to my eyes. I treasure the moments like you've described; when God shines so bright through the awesomeness of our kids. I am often overwhelmed with emotion when my kids do something similiar to what you've described. Makes me love, love, love being a mom.